Ebook {Epub PDF} The King of Thieves by Michael Jecks

Book - 7. On a diplomatic mission in France, Sir Baldwin and Simon encounter more than they bargained for Baldwin and Simon uncover a deadly assassination plot in The King of Thieves, a gripping mystery in Michael Jecks' hugely popular medieval crime series No Law in the Land. The twenty-sixth novel in Michael Jecks’s medieval Knights Templar series. Sir Baldwin de Furnshill and his friend Simon Puttock are in France guarding King Edward’s son on his perilous journey to meet the French king, Charles IV.5/5(50). The King of Thieves, a medieval West Country mystery by Michael Jecks. Home page. Latest Book. Events. Titles in Print. Act of Vengeance. Short Stories. Medieval Murderers. Michael Jecks. Photo Diary. 14th Century Devon. Bibliography. Newsletter. Links. Contact. The King of Thieves - Extract. Monday before the Feast of the Nativity of the.

Michael Jecks (born , Surrey) is an English writer of historical mystery novels. Early life. The son of an actuary, and the fourth of four brothers, Jecks worked in the computer industry before becoming a novelist full-time in after he was fired from his last position. King of Thieves (November ) No Law in the Land (June Title: The King Of Thieves (Last Templar Mysteries 26): A journey to medieval Paris amounts to danger (Knights Templar Mystery) Author (s): Michael Jecks. ISBN: X / (UK edition) Publisher: Headline. Availability: Amazon Amazon UK Amazon CA Amazon AU. Find many great new used options and get the best deals for The King Of Thieves (Last Templar Mysteries 26): by Jecks, Michael X at the best online prices at eBay!

The King of Thieves (Knights Templar Series #26) Michael Jecks is the bestselling author of the Knights Templar series and a member of The Medieval Murderers. Book 1. The Last Templar. by Michael Jecks. · 2, Ratings · Reviews · published · 35 editions. The Knights Templar. They had all joined taking thre. Want to Read. Shelving menu. Shelve The Last Templar. The twenty-sixth novel in Michael Jecks’s medieval Knights Templar series. Sir Baldwin de Furnshill and his friend Simon Puttock are in France guarding King Edward’s son on his perilous journey to meet the French king, Charles IV.


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